TOP DOG Idea Pitch winners announced
Louisiana Tech University student teams recently pitched their new product and service ideas during the 2016 TOP DOG Idea Pitch sponsored by Bulldog Entrepreneurs.
This year’s event featured 19 teams delivering five-minute pitches about their ideas to see how professional judges rated their concepts. Students and community members visited each team’s booth and voted for their favorite ideas with “Bulldog Bucks.”
The GrooveTube team won $350 for having the highest number of student Bulldog Bucks votes, and the Gas Sampling Unit Team won $150 for second highest number of student votes. The Shipping Chip team had the highest judge score total.
The next event for the Idea Pitch teams is the TOP DOG New Venture Championship in April. This event offers teams a chance to win money and six months incubator space to help them move one step closer to making their ideas a reality. Teams are mentored by business professionals, and Bulldog Entrepreneurs sponsors helpful business planning seminars in the months before the New Venture Championship.
For more information about the TOP DOG events, contact Debbie Inman at
Written by Judith Roberts –

TOP DOG Idea Pitch competition takes place in University Hall.