Article: Women Mean Business: Tech COB Hosts Alumni Lecture Series
Note: This article appeared in the Ruston Daily Leader on April 4, 2019.
Written by Kacey Richard
“Inside the C-Suite” lectures returned for the second installment of discussions on hot business topics.
This month’s focal point is women in the corporate world.
College of Business Dean Chris Martin opened the lecture with a welcome and recognition of the three distinguished women College of Business alumni.
India Carroll, chief executive officer of Green Clinic, Sharilyn Gasaway, former executive vice president and chief financial officer of Alltel Corp. and Caroline Reaves, CEO of Mortage Contracting Services, LLC spoke to over 100 students.
“Inside the C-Suite is a unique lecture series in that it presents a C-level perspective on strategic opportunities that offer themselves to individuals at that level of decision making,” Martin said.
“With focuses on the College’s core academic themes of technology, innovation and entrepreneurship, this program is designed to complement and expand on what students are learning in the classroom.”
Guests shared experiences and hardships from early in their careers and advised students in the audience.
When asked if gender affected their career in a positive way, Gasaway commented that it helped to have a couple of women that were excellent mentors.
“I know a lot has changed and many companies and boards are now very open and realize and appreciate diversity. For me, that was an advantage.”
Students were encouraged to work hard and put in the extra effort to get ahead.
“You go into your job and you do the very best that you can do,” Carroll said, “You do more than is asked of you, always, you learn to get along with people and you will get ahead. It’s that simple.”
“The more you get into leadership roles, you have to toughen your skin. The closer you get to the top the more everything is your responsibility.”
Panelists discussed how students should show their worth to potential employers.
“You work really hard,” Reaves said, “If you love where you are and work really hard, your supervisors are going to eventually realize this. There is no such thing as utopia. Nothing is perfect, it is tough and it takes work.”
Kenny Hodges will speak at the next C-Suite lecture on April 16. The topic will be “A Founder’s Journey.”