Academic Support & Advising

Student Support and Success

It is our goal to make the educational experience one that nurtures and supports students at every level so they can thrive in both academic and professional settings. The Office of Student Success is here to help guide all efforts so students can learn, graduate and succeed. Whether students are just starting out at the College and paving the road for their academic career paths, not in good scholastic standing or would just like a little more help with performance and planning—we are here to assist students each step of the way.

We work with you to offer plans for course planning, academic recovery, supplemental advising, exploration of majors or career paths, and overall support. Students on academic suspension or probation are required to meet with an academic success advisor to get back on track and reach scholastic goals. Any student from the College of Business is welcome to utilize the services provided by the office, regardless of academic standings.

Academic Advising

Academic advising is a critical and integral part of creating an academic plan for each student’s success. Planning ensures that your academic journey will include all appropriate minors, internships, study abroad programs, and experiences that will make you marketable for top jobs and graduate schools, as well as guarantee you get the most out of your education and time here.

What Can Students Expect from Their Advisors?

Registration for classes is only part of the advising experience. You can expect quality one-on-one attention from your advisor at the College, they will work with you through the degree requirements, offer suggestions for class selections, and guide you through getting an internship or starting your career. They are here to provide encouragement and mentorship during your time at the College and to answer any questions you may have along the way—including information about the campus and other College resources. Advisors try to respond to all student emails within 48 business hours.

What Do Advisors Expect from Our Students?

Get to know your advisor; he or she is here to do more than just consult and prepare you. Advisors make up part of the team that will guide you through your time at the College for the best education and experience possible—so be sure to introduce yourself to your advisor as soon as possible. Students will be assigned to a faculty advisor that is a professor in their major. (You can find your assignment by visiting It’s important that you make an appointment every quarter or any time you have questions.

Students are responsible for making sure their course requirements are taken in the proper order and with the correct prerequisites (credit will not be given for courses taken out of order or without the correct prerequisites), so be sure to show up for appointments on time and prepared with questions for your academic plan. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the resources advisors provide for internships or starting careers, so it’s important to follow up on any appointments or connections your advisor helps you make.

To learn more about the registration process, visit the Registrar’s Office page.

Transferring Credit

If you are applying for a course and took the prerequisite course at another institution, you must register for that course at the Registration Center or through the Registrar’s Office. You may not register online through BOSS. All transfer credit must be pre-approved by both your advisor and the Registrar’s Office prior to enrolling. For more information, contact the Registrar’s Office.


Lindsey Murry
Director of Student Success