Concurrent MAcc Program for Grambling State University Students

Get a Head Start on your MAcc Degree

Louisiana Tech University and Grambling State University (GSU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on October 13, 2020 that provides GSU accounting undergraduates accelerated entry into Louisiana Tech’s MAcc program. Tech’s concurrent MAcc option allows Tech College of Business accounting majors with a 3.2 GPA and less than 30 hours of coursework remaining to begin taking graduate-level courses while still an undergraduate. Through this agreement, Grambling students meeting these requirements can also begin the Tech program concurrently while maintaining fulltime undergraduate status at GSU.

Interested in learning more? Fill out the form below and someone from our office will contact you.

When do you plan to enter as a Concurrent student?

4 + 5 =

How to Apply

1)  Apply as a Concurrent MAcc student at by clicking here.
2) Request that your official Grambling transcript be sent to Louisiana Tech (additionally, you will need to have official transcripts from any other institution you attended sent to Tech).
3) Request two letters of reference. One must be from your faculty advisor at Grambling (the other may be from a supervisor or other faculty member), stating that you:

  • have less than 30 undergraduate hours to complete your undergraduate degree;
  • state when you are expected to complete your undergraduate degree (semester/year) leaving room for graduate level courses;
  • state when you are expected to begin (quarter/year) in the MAcc program as a graduate student;
  • include your current UGPA;
  • and that you are recommended for a Master’s program.

4) Pay your $40 application fee.
5) Once your application is submitted, Louisiana Tech’s College of Business will request a Memo of Support from the Dean’s Office at Grambling. This will then be attached to your application and your application will be reviewed shortly. 

Important Information – Full Scholarship Support and Assistantships Available!

Once you begin the program, you must take (at least) one Concurrent course per quarter. We offer scholarship support thanks to a generous gift from Deloitte for Concurrent MAcc courses taken at Louisiana Tech while you are classified an undergraduate student at Grambling. This will cover tuition and fees for your coursework at Louisiana Tech while you are enrolled fulltime at Grambling and meet all requirements of our program. You must maintain a minimum cumulative graduate GPA of 3.0 while in the Concurrent program. No more than 12 graduate credit hours may be earned while completing bachelor’s requirements from Grambling. Courses taken for graduate credit cannot be used to satisfy undergraduate requirements.

Upon undergraduate graduation from Grambling, students are required to apply to Louisiana Tech’s graduate school for admission into the MAcc program. Applicants to the graduate school will not be charged another $40 application fee and the GMAT requirement will be waived. After official admission to the MAcc program, students enrolled fulltime will be offered a Graduate Assistantship which waives any out-of-state fees and provides approximately $650 per month (during Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters) for 20 hours per week of work in the College of Business. Additionally, tuition and fees for the MAcc program will be covered by scholarship support from Deloitte. 



Questions? Contact us!

Business Graduate Programs

Dr. Chris Martin

Dr. John Lauck