First-year Business students pitch innovations in annual Top Pup competition
Team RoadMed took home the first-place prize in the 2022 Top Pup, an entrepreneurial pitch competition designed exclusively for first-year students in Louisiana Tech University’s College of Business.
McGaha Memorial Scholarship awarded to marketing student
Brode Paige, a first-year marketing student from Biloxi, Mississippi, received the Lane McGaha Memorial Scholarship which provides support for a student on the Louisiana Tech Bass Fishing Team.
Hunt Forest Products establishes endowed scholarships
Scholarships include a $25,000 scholarship in Sustainable Supply Chain Management and a $25,000 scholarship in Accounting. The scholarships will support Louisiana Tech’s strategic initiative to develop programs and research that bolsters collaboration within academic areas, a unique aspect of the Tech culture.
First cohort of bankers attend Louisiana Tech University School of Banking
Forty-seven bankers from across Louisiana and Mississippi attended the first Louisiana Tech University School of Banking. Presented by the College of Business in collaboration with the Louisiana Bankers Association, the
professional development program aims to expand the skills and knowledge base of rising bank leaders.
Students jump start their futures through concurrent enrollment
Louisiana Tech already boasts the shortest time to degree completion in the state, and now students have the opportunity to further their education and complete a graduate degree through Concurrent Enrollment.
TOP DOG New Venture Championship winners for 2022 announced
Team SNAP City Domes won first place with their approach to rapid-relief housing for disaster victims that provides safe and secure shelter while home repairs or home replacements are completed.
Business grads achieve 97 percent overall placement rate for 2020-21 academic year
Students graduating from the College of Business during the 2020-21 academic year achieved a record 97% overall placement rate within six months post-grad. 96% of undergraduates and 100% of MBA and MAcc graduates secured jobs or admission to graduate school within six months of graduation.
Marketing doctoral candidates win Best Paper Award at American Marketing Association Conference
Breanne Mertz and Louis Zmich received the Best Paper Award during a special doctoral student research session focusing on future trends in consumer behavior at the 2022 AMA conference.
College of Business Continues Climb in U.S. News Best Graduate School Rankings
The College of Business was ranked No. 98 in the nation in the 2023 Best Graduate Schools list released by U.S. News & World Report—up eight spots over last year’s ranking.
Sustainable Supply Chain Management student learns to solve puzzles and lean processes
Sustainable Supply Chain Management major Jewel Theiler talks about her major and why she chose to pursue a career in logistics.