Article: Study Shows Social Media FOMO Actively Hurts Job Performance
Dr. John Lauck’s recent study published in Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory found that seeing social media posts of people having fun adversely affects the work that accountants perform as part of an audit.
Professional MBA earns 2021 U.S. News Best Online Program ranking
The online MBA was ranked No. 150 on the 2021 list of Best Online MBA Programs, a ranking based on five categories: engagement, student excellence, expert opinion, faculty credential and training, and student services and technology.
NABA making difference in inclusion, professional opportunity
Tyler Ross, founding president of Louisiana Tech’s chapter of National Association of Black Accountants, is at the forefront of strengthening both professional opportunities and inclusivity for all the campus community.
College of Business to Host Virtual Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Forum
The virtual forum includes six sessions featuring an array of speakers who are diversity, equity, and inclusion thought-leaders from top global corporations.
Article: LA Tech students break down how supply chains will impact vaccine distribution
Dr. Kevin Watson and three sustainable supply chain management majors talked to Fox14 news about how supply chains affect vaccine distribution.
Louisiana Tech Accounting Team Competes in Deloitte FanTAXtic Competition
Under the direction of Dr. Bob Cunningham, Executive-in-Residence for the College of Business, accounting majors Madison Carroll, John Halford, TaKyra Morgan, and Kelsie Perry competed in the virtual competition, gaining real-world business experience from a case simulation.
From Point A to Point B: How supply chains will impact vaccine distribution
The logistics of how everyday necessities get onto the shelves of the local store probably didn’t enter the mind of most Americans—that is, until the global COVID-19 pandemic began to spread across the U.S. Dr. Kevin Watson and three of his students looked at how supply chain will affect—both positively and negatively—the distribution of vaccines that are viewed as an end to the pandemic.
MBA receives top rankings for return on investment
The College of Business was ranked No. 4 on College Consensus’ 2021 list of “Best Value MBA Programs” and No. 6 on their 2021 listing of “Most Affordable MBA Programs.”
Four Tech students among 198 worldwide named University Innovation Fellows
Four Louisiana Tech students are among the 198 students from 45 higher education institutions in 14 countries who have been named University Innovation Fellows.
Teams pitch ideas for 2020 TOP DOG event
Team Short Board took home the top prize in the 2020 Top Dog Idea Pitch. Eleven teams pitched their product or service idea to judges in this preliminary round of the Top Dog New Venture Championship, which will be held in the Spring.