Prominent execs to headline ‘Inside the C-Suite: Women Mean Business’

National political consultant Kaye Goolsby, ’73, former Executive Vice President and CFO of Alltel Corp. Sharilyn Gasaway, ’89, and Mortgage Contracting Services, LLC CEO Caroline Reaves, ’83, will join forces to discuss the changing roles of women in business, entrepreneurship, and politics, as well as the opportunities and challenges facing females in leadership roles.

Research: Dr. John Lauck

The Chronicle of Philanthropy recently highlighted accounting professor Dr. John Lauck's study, "Fraud in the Nonprofit Sector: Rebuilding a Charitable Image," in their article about donor fraud in nonprofits. Dr. Lauck's research found that...

Article: Saving on Supplies Good

Attending public school may be “free,” but it’s no mystery that there are still expenses involved in ensuring one’s child gets an education. Thanks to the efforts of a business class at Louisiana Tech, one such expense might soon be greatly reduced.

PushHog wins Won in One competition

The PushHog, a tree trimming device that fits between large trees and cuts through saplings up to three inches in diameter, won first place overall at the recent 2019 Won in One idea pitch competition hosted by Louisiana Tech’s Innovation...